Chairmans Report

Saeed Uddin, S.B.S., M.H. Chairman 
Zoheir Tyebkhan, M.H. Hon. Secretary
Qamar Minhas, M.H. Hon. Treasurer (From November 2023)
Mohammad Iqbal Hon. Treasurer (Until September 2023)
Amirali B. Nasir, M.H., J.P.  Trustee
Aminul Haque Trustee 
Akil Khan Trustee (From September 2023)
Mohammad Ilyas Trustee (Until September 2023)
Thaika Ubaidullah Trustee (From September 2023)
Nisar Ahmad Khusro Trustee (Until September 2023)

Rehman Ansari

Mohammad Shahid (Coordinator)
H.L. Hei (Member)
Shabir Hussain  (Member)
Bazlul Quader Helal (Member)
Mohamed Ali Diallo (Member)
Uvais Muhammad Noohu (Member)
Sheik Mubarak (Member)
Mohamed Apabhai (Coordinator)
Ma Fung Hing Jamal Loondin (Member)
Dil Mohammad (Member)
Mohammad Irshad (Member)
Mehmood ul Hassan (Member)

Zafar Ahmed (Member)

Aminul Haque  (Supervisor & Manager)
Nisar Khusro (School Manager)
Hafeezah Khatoon Khan (School Manager)
Asma Farooq (School Manager)
Rizwan Ullah (School Manager)
Kasim Ma (School Manager)
Raza Razi (School Manager)

The Incorporated Trustees have the pleasure in submitting their annual report together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2024.

1. The Incorporated Trustees administer and maintain five Masjids and two Muslim Cemeteries respectively, (1) Jamia Masjid, at Shelley Street, Mid-levels, (2) Masjid Ammar & O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre, at Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, (3) Chaiwan Masjid, at Cape Collinson, Chai Wan on Hong Kong Island, (4) Kowloon Masjid & Islamic Centre, at Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui in Kowloon, (5) Stanley Masjid 53 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong. The Trustees have formed management committees to look after the day to day affairs of Chaiwan Masjid, Kowloon Masjid & Islamic Centre, Jamia Masjid and Stanley Mosque under the supervision of the Trustees. The management of Masjid Ammar and O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre is entrusted to the Islamic Union of Hong Kong. 
2. Following the designation of Jamia Masjid at Shelly Street, Mid-levels as a Monument in 2022 by the Antiquities and Monuments Office, Government of the HKSAR. 
3. The Incorporated Trustees have established and operate Madrassas at all our Masajid. At present more than 500 students are studying at all our Madrassas and receiving Islamic Education. Every year many students complete reading of Holy Quran (Nazirah) and some students complete the learning of Holy Quran by heart (Hifz). 
4. The Kowloon Masjid Dawah Committee organizes various Islamic courses for Muslim and non-Muslims under the supervision of the Trustees. Intermediate course for non-Muslim was completed recently and certificates were awarded to participants. This service of conducting Islamic courses will continue on a regular basis
5. The Trust is the sponsoring body of the Muslim Community Kindergarten which is accredited by the Education Bureau. In accordance with the policy of the Education Bureau, it is managed by a School Management Committee. The school is running under the Pre-Primary Education Voucher Scheme of the Education Bureau. 
6. The two Muslim cemeteries, in Happy Valley and Chai Wan are managed by the Incorporated Trustees under the supervision of a Cemetery Manager. To meet the ever-increasing demand for grave spaces the Trust recently completed a project in Chai Wan Muslim Cemetery. 
7. All the Masajid (Mosques) and in particular Jamia Masjid at Shelly Street and Kowloon Masjid, are big attractions for visitors from Government Departments and educational institutions in Hong Kong such as universities, colleges, schools, religious organizations and individuals who wish to learn more about Islam. Walk-in visitors and group visits are welcomed throughout the year. Recent declaration of Jamia Masjid as a Monument by the Government of HKSAR more visitors from all walks of life visit frequently at Jamia Masjid at Shelly Street. The visitors are looked after by our eminent Imams and members of Dawah Committee who provide information about Islam and its culture in English and Chinese.
8. In Kowloon Masjid, Iftar (breaking of fast) is arranged by Kowloon Masjid Iftar Committee, every year during the Holy Month of Ramadan for around 1,500 to 2,000 people on a daily basis who are served water, dates and congee. 
9. We conduct Halal Inspections and issue Halal Certificates in Hong Kong, Macau and some parts of China as a service to the Muslim Community. Halal Certification and Inspections are carried out under the strict supervision of our Halal Shariah Team. The BOT Halal logo is registered at the Trade Marks Registry of the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the HKSAR.
10. We always welcome eminent scholars and religious personalities from various countries to our Masajid from all over the world
11. The Trust maintains cordial and friendly relationship with officials of the Government of Hong Kong SAR as well as with the Liaison Office of the Peoples Republic of China in Hong Kong. We maintain close contact with the Home Affairs Bureau, the Police Department, the Correctional Services Department and others. In addition, the Trust also maintains good relations with numerous Consulates, LegCo members and many others. All these contacts have helped the Board of Trustees to run the Trust more effectively and be of service to the Muslim community living in Hong Kong.
To uphold its cordial relationship and as part of Muslim tradition the Trust invites various dignitaries including Government and Police Officials and Consul Generals to Iftar Dinner Function during the Holy Month of Ramadan which is very well attended. 
The operating results for the financial year 2023/24 showed an income of $6,940,300.39 and expenditure (with a designated fund transfer) of $9,285,225.60 leaving a deficit of $2,344,925.21.
Several essential projects were undertaken by the Trustees during 2023-24. More is impending with our ageing Masajid, Cemeteries and stabilization of slopes at Cemeteries which is a difficult and hilly area. An urgent appeal is made to all the Muslim organizations and individuals for generous support and financial assistance. Without public contribution the services at the Masajid and Cemeteries will not be possible. 
We heart-fully thank our constituent bodies for their continuous support and cooperation in all Trust matters. 
We gratefully acknowledge the donations from organizations and individuals especially Friday collections. We also receive annual dividends received from Allah Ditta Trust Fund and of Mrs. and Mr. Y.A. Wahab Trust Fund and the monthly contributions from Amsua Trading Company Ltd. and Keywin Trading Ltd. May Allah reward all of them for their generosity.
We are grateful to all our management committees, subcommittees serving at different Masajid, Muslim Ladies Volunteer Miyyat Washing Group working at the Muslim Cemeteries and to all brothers and sisters who helped as volunteers in functions and activities organized in the Masajid and Islamic centers. We also acknowledge the efforts of our Imams, Quranic Teachers, Management and Administrative Staff for their hard work and dedication in the past year.

The Incorporated Trustees who served during the year are shown on page 1. No Trustee drew any remuneration nor derived any other financial interests from the transactions of the Incorporated Trustees.

On behalf of the Incorporated Trustees of the
Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong

Saeed Uddin, S.B.S., M.H.
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